samedi 12 mars 2011

USSR quinquennial plan presentation (1986-2000)

Ok, so the mystery was quickly solved after all ! (thank you Karim !)
This thing we have here is a presentation of the twelfth quiquennial plan of USSR,
defining the politics of the country for the years 1986 to 2000. This is the last plan
to have been conducted to its end, as the thirteenth, presented in 1991, was abandonned
after the end of communism in Russia.

for more info about quinquennial plans, and their content
(including this one), go HERE !


HELP !!!!
I just bought this in a charity shop but I can't read russian and
I don't know at all what it is ? Is there any kind russian speaking
reader of this who could possibly translate it to me ? Thank you !

mardi 8 mars 2011

Art of... Andrew MacRae


Bizarre #01

 (Taschen's reprint)

Maïorov Simpleton's Doomed Productions #01


12 women

27 shoes

De Gaulle on the wall


Three bears


Juin 1992,
Feutres à l'eau, décalques.

Bizarre covers (John Willie's bondage and fetichism magazine, 1946-1959)

TV21 magazine #105 (sept. 1971)

Spirit World magazine #1 (1971)